The Church highlights why environmental protection is the imperative of us all.
Water, water everywhere (or not)
Connections between Fisher Kings, southern African rock art and Old Testament Noah, and how that applies to the world right now.
Caught in a net and loving it
The original interpretation of geometric patterns in abstract art.
Mapungubwe: Rock of Sacred Leaders
Renowned for its golden artefacts Mapungubwe tells the story of a transformation in African spirituality.
The Dalai Lama and The Power of And
An interpretation of “the world will be saved by Western woman”.
Holy of Holies – Driekopseiland
Images etched out of glacial rock 1300 years ago point to a powerful spiritual life in the First People of Africa.
African Wisdom Shows the Way
African wisdom has many a pointer for modern man. Living in close harmony with nature, tribal lore shows how we must respect and nurture that which nurtures us.